Monday, November 2, 2015

2015 SWOBS Fall Online Convention

Br. Gregory Kuehmichel – Clarksville, Texas   
Br. Stanley Loper – Brunswick, Georgia  
Br. Tom Adams – Damascus, Oregon   
Br. Len Griehs  – Fountain Hills, Arizona   

Convention Theme  – Lessons for New Creature from Moses’ Life.
Convention Theme Text –
BBE: Ex. 4:12  "So go now, and I will be with your mouth, teaching you what to say/learn"
Convention Theme Hymn – 37 Boundless Grace

Convention Schedule on Oregon PST:

9:45 AM - Devotions;

10:00-11:00 Br Gregory Kuehmichel – Lessons from Moses’ first 80 years;

11:30-12:30 Symposium:  Lessons from Moses’ last 40 yrs;

                     Br Loper – Selections from Moses’ last 40 yrs;

                     Br Adams – Apostle Paul’s selections & more;

1:00-2:30  Br Len Griehs - Convention Study Questions –SEE BELOW FOR THE QUESTIONS.

The convention will be broadcast via Adobe Connect. 
Please note that all times on the program are for Pacific Standard Time (PST).

(You may need to copy and paste the above links into your browser.)




Len Griehs, Delaware Valley Bible Students


“Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men that were upon the face of the earth” (Numbers 12:3).


In all that Moses came through from the beginning to the end of his history, it contributed to and produced in him incomparable meekness and humility.  His moral character at the end of his life was matchless.


1.     When we encounter Moses in his early life, he is hasty and somewhat hot-headed, perhaps the least meek of men (Acts 7:22, 25).  The text scripture in Numbers was written about Moses when he was probably about 70 years old.  Using the specific events listed below, identify the lessons Moses learned that transformed him.  Some of these were in the first 70 years, and some in the last 50 years.

2.      Compare these experiences to the necessary individual experiences of the Church in their Christian walk.

3.    Using Hebrews 11:23-29, identify what you think are the most important lessons we can take from Moses.


1.    The killing of the Egyptian (Exodus 2:11-15)  (for an interesting comparison to verse 11, read the history of John W. Cairns of Scotland in 1855—we will talk about this)

2.    Obscurity, exile and solitude in Midian while raising a family(Exodus 2:21-22)

3.    The discussion with Jehovah (or Jehovah’s messenger) at the burning bush (Exodus 3-4:23)

4.    The incident with Zipporah at the inn (Exodus 3:25-27)

5.    The attack of Miriam and Aaron on Moses at Hazeroth  (Numbers 12)

6.    The rock of Meribah (Numbers 20:1-13)

For more information, please contact:
     Br. Loper at;   (912) 275-7312

Or Br Adams at   (503) 328-8428

SWOBS Disclaimer:  We believe brethren should each be aware that not all individuals on the Bible Student Email Directory see eye to eye on basic Doctrines.  The spirit of mercy allows for the individual responsibility in Christian liberty and fellowship to make the Truth their own, to "prove all things," and to encourage all Brethren to "try the spirits," while endeavoring to hold high the banner and spirit of Truth; that the Bible teaches a Divine Plan of the Ages fore-known and set by God from before the foundation of the world, that for all eternity will prove God's love and appreciation of his human creation (John 3:16, Eph. 1:10). 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

SWOBS Springtime Online Convention Saturday, MAY 16th, 2015

We with the SWOBS Eccelsia are pleased to announce our Spring online Convention coming up in a little over a week.

The convention theme is:

"Parables, Dispensational Changes, and the Harvest"

And the featured Speakers are:

Br Dan Monette
Br Don Horein
Br Bill Gill

The program for the convention is:

 9:45 - Devotions
10:00-11:00AM: Br. Dan Monette, "2nd Dispensation Changes into Harvest"
30 minute break
11:30-12:30: Br. Don Horein, "Harvest Ending Changes into Messianic Age"
30 minute break
1:00-2:30: Br Bill Gill, Study: "Personal application of the Harvest parables as they guide the brethren in this end of the age."

All are invited and can attend the Convention via the following link:

Please type in a name and enter as a guest.


1~~ Lk 8:9-18  And his disciples asked him, saying, What might this parable be? And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.  What is necessary to have our eyes able to "see" and understand?

2~~How does it bring comfort and build confidence to know our Lord is actually present with us in this end of the age? (such as Jn 15:1-6)  Relate this to the first advent's physical presence of Jesus with the disciples.

3~~ The length of time for gathering the wheat into the barn and binding the tares has been longer than first expected.  Do we think this will go on much longer, or are we seeing that things are coming to a conclusion?
Are we feeling more of a sense of urgency this past few years?

4~~ Mt 5:13, "Salt of the earth" ~~ is there evidence of the "preservative" influence leaving the earth, accompanied by evidence of decay? [see Mark 9:50] Apply this not only to the world, but to the false church systems.
5~~ Mt 24:32-36  Do we see the fig tree putting forth leaves?
Is "summer" near?
Does seeing this prophecy fulfilled encourage us and give a sense of where we are in the steam of time?

6~~   Mt 5:14,15 - How does this illustration of a "light" or "candle" spell out our mission and purpose in this harvest?
(Isaiah 2:2, Malachi 4:2) Are we living representatives of the the truth (light) to the other professed Christians as well as the world?
Can we still let our lights shine, or is the darkness (night) putting a stop to our work?

7~~ Mt 13:24-30 - Wheat and tares sowed. How does this parable define our work - reaping wheat, binding tares? Are we to witness mostly to the professed church systems, or to the world in general?
How are the tares made manifest? (Rev 18:2-4, Psa 50:5, Rev 14:16)

8~~  Mt 9:16,17 - What lesson is in the patch on the garment or theold wineskin parables?
What special application to the harvest? See Jer 51:8,9 - "she is not healed: forsake her..."

9~~ Mt 13:44 Treasure hid in a field. What prompted us to give our all to gain the treasure?
Are we beginning to receive this "treasure" to some extent now and is it an encouragement to us? [see F 659]

10~~  Mt 7:24-27 -  In this harvest time, should this analogy to the house built on rock encourage us that we have built on the rock of the Word of God and not traditions of men?

11~~  Mt 25:1-12 - What preparation is needed to be counted as a wise virgin?
How do we keep our lamps trimmed?

12~~  John 10:3,4 Good Shepherd. He knows our name. Does this intimacy with our Lord give us encouragement?
(C:91-94; 213-216) The sheep know his voice - the sound of wisdom, justice and love. Since we are attracted to that sound, does this reassure us that we are following the true Shepherd?

Last October's Discourses

Greeting's again!

Last October two discourses, one on the subject of the Tabernacle and its significances, and the other, on the Divine Plan Of the ages using a chart, were presented to the Swobs ecclesia By Brothers Tom Adams and Stanley Loper.  At the time technical difficulties interfered with the presentation of Br. Stanley's Discourse, so it was rerecorded and is now available.  For this reason both discourses are linked here.

Brother Tom Adams on the Tabernacle:

Brother Stanley Loper on The Divine Plan Of the Ages:

It is our fond hope that you enjoy them both and receive a blessing from them.