Thursday, August 24, 2017

SWOBS 4th Fall-time Online Convention Saturday November 18 2017

Theme: "The Wisdom of Jehovah and of Christ - General n Personal - 
Theme Hymn: #74 "Divine Wisdom"
Theme Text: 
Jer 9:24  But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD. 
With matching texts: 1Co 1:30  But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: 
1Co 1:31  That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.  

       Schedule:  Saturday November 18th, 2017  9:45am  PST.  Please tune-in by  9:30
10:00-11:30am - Br Russell Shallieu - "Jehovah's Wisdom"  <<< this line
One hour discourse, plus 30 minutes for questions on Discourse subject; <<< this line
NO pre-posted questions - audience questions desired; 
Program also posted at 

30 minute break

           30 minute break

12:00-1:33 pm - Br. Dan Wesol - "Christ's Wisdom"
One hour discourse, plus 30 minutes (if needed) for audience questions of Br Wesol’s Discourse subject
 NO pre-posted questions - audience questions desired;    
Program also posted at  

SWOBS web is:     [Do not put http:// in front. Some PC's will route it somewhere else.]
Our Adobe Room is:

Be pleased to use your microphone during the two question times, or, type into chat-bar and post your question and/or your comment. 
Enter convention site early for voice check , and mic adjustment.

Br Stanley Loper at:  <>;  [Br Stan is better for technical questions.                 (912) 275-7312]
Br Tom Adams at: <>          [Br Tom to cover topical questions you might have.]

 For SWOBS, by assistant-secretary, OBTom

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

SWOBS Is Pleased To Announce:
Our  Spring Online Convention May 13th, 2017 

Look for blessings by Br Dan Monette on the Potter and Br Tom Gilbert on the Clay
       Theme: Harvest Time Endings;

Theme Hymn: #4 - Boundless Grace

Theme text:  (KJV) 1Cor. 10:11: "And all these things happened to those people as examples, and it was written for our  admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come."
9:45 am Pacific Time:  Devotions

10: am - 11:30 am: Brother Dan Monette.  A one hour talk on The Potter and a one-half hour question and answer session.

11:30-12 noon Break

12 noon-1:30 pm: Brother Tom Gilbert.  A one hour talk on The Clay and a one-half hour question and answer session.

1:30 pm closing song and prayer.

The two brethren may provide questions for discussion during the 1/2 Hour Q&A sessions.  However, the sessions are primarily meant to provide time for the audience to question them on any points which need clarification, etc.  While we do have the schedule above we can be flexible for the Q&A within reason if a good question requires a few minutes more.  If technical difficulties arise or a speaker cannot make it at the last minute we will rotate the speakers or otherwise adjust the program as the needs dictate.

SWOBS web is: [Do not put http:// in front. Some PC's will route it somewhere else.] 
Our Adobe Room is:

Be pleased to use your microphone during the two question half-hours, or, type into chat-bar and post your question and/or your comment. Enter early for voice check, and setting up mic’s.


 5/13: Potter and Clay - General n Personal - Rom.9:21 Br Dan Monette + Br Tom Gilbert